
A Lake County Family Attorney

Grandparent’s Rights

If you are a grandparent with questions about possibly establishing your legal rights to visit your grandchild or even possibly becoming the legal guardian of your grandchild, contact us here at the law office of the Lake County Divorce Attorney to discuss your case.

The state of Illinois does recognize the rights of grandparents to legally establish visitation and/or custody rights under certain circumstances.

Grandparents may go to court to request visitation rights whenever the parents of the grandchild are not living together, an absent parent, a deceased parent. You may also join a parent’s petition for visitation (such as in during a divorce proceeding.)

Our Lake County Family Attorney Can Assist in All Situations

In the case of a child born to unmarried parents, paternity must be established before the paternal grandparents will be allowed visitation. Visitation is not a right if the parents surrender the child to any party other than a foster care service or the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. Grandparent’s rights are automatically terminated in the case of adoption by another party.

A grandparent can file for custody of a child as a third party. Cases such as these are strengthened if the grandchild has lived with the grandparent, been financially supported by the grandparent, or has been abused by their parents.

The Lake County Divorce Attonrey has many years of experience working with all types of custody and visitation arrangements. Contact us today to consult with you about your grandparents’ rights case.