
Lake County Permanent Alimony Lawyer

If you are seeking a divorce and are evaluating your eligibility for an alimony award, contact the law office of the Lake County Divorce Attorney to discuss your case today.

There are many types of alimony awarded in the state of Illinois, including permanent alimony.

Permanent alimony is a form of alimony awarded for life, given typically when a marriage has been very long in years and when the spouses are older in age.

A “long” marriage is typically more than ten years, although marriages shorter in length could be eligible for permanent alimony as well. The judge will probably award some form of permanent or lengthened alimony for an elderly or disabled spouse that is unable to work.

Among the criteria evaluated in the decision for alimony are the following:

The Lake County Divorce Attorney is dedicated to representing the interests of every client. If you are seeking a divorce and are evaluating your eligibility for an alimony award, contact the law office of the Lake County Divorce Attorney to discuss your case today.